In 2019, it is impractical to imagine web development without HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. JavaScript is the soul of front-end development of web apps. If you have landed on this page, I assume that you are confused between the different frameworks & libraries of JavaScript programming language.

Just about a year ago, developers were mainly debating on whether they should be using Angular or React for their projects. But over the course of 2018, we saw a growth of interest in a third player called Vue.js. Looking forward into 2022, this post is a comprehensive guide on which is perhaps the right solution for you: Angular vs React vs Vue.

At the end of the blog, you will be able to decide which among Angular vs React vs Vue will be the most suitable programming tool for your project. So let’s dive into the comparison of these three JavaScript frameworks & libraries to choose the best one in 2022!

Let’s have a look at some well-known names that are using Angular vs React vs Vue:


  • It is developed by Google and utilized in its Google Ad Words applications
  • The Guardian, a leading company in publishing sector
  •, highly used website for weather forecast around the globe


  • It was developed and used for the maintenance and coding of Facebook ad campaigns. Along with some other Facebook products as well.
  • Twitter, a globally popular social networking site
  • The highly popular and high-traffic messaging app, WhatsApp
  • The photo sharing a well-known social media platform, Instagram


  • 9Gag, social networking site for sharing trending content
  • Git-Lab, a repository manager that allows the team to develop or duplicate code